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It looks bad having that appear… I think just letting people discover the error message if they make the mistake, or having a simple mention that some error checking is implemented, is enough.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Feel free to make the change… it's a wiki :D
Fantastic job guys!
To implement a calendar on my site, do I just need to create the pages (and their content) listed within the 'Framework' list?
Also, If I wanted to implement it in the "Deep Blue" colour scheme (probably looks better on my site) how would I do that?
Yep, but you also must set the "calendar" category to be automatically numbered (choose Autonumbering from the site manager).
We'll put some documentation on how to do that soon.
You also must add this to the end of your site's CSS:
I am currently in the process of implementing this but…
That's strange. If you create a hidden page within an autonumbered category, it's not supposed to be autonumbered.
Perhaps… are you using a NewPage module to create these? Because it's best to type in the URLs manually…
Yep, I was using the 'new page module. Fixed now, however, adding "@import url(/local—code/calendar:_css);
" has stuffed up my site appearance. WHY????
Alos, my test calendar does not look like it's working properly,
I'm sure I've stuffed something up.
looking at your css there is no calendar css anywhere.
but there is an additional style in there that i dont think you want
Phil's right, you haven't got the @import url(/local--code/calendar:_css); code at the top of your custom CSS. It does need to be the first line, or the first line after another import statement.
Also, I noticed on your calendar:_css and calendar:_javascript pages, you didn't copy our page exactly. You need to put the CSS or HTML in code blocks, so that Wikidot will cache the code. But because the javascript page has two code blocks, you're better off copying our calendar:_javascript page verbatim from scratch, rather than manually inserting the code blocks.
Thanks for that. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Never wiki when tired." I set the wrong custom theme.
Ok, so I've fixed that but the test calendar ( is still not right, what else have I stuffed up? :)
Not sure if you read my post, which was posted less than a minute before you posted yours (and therefore easy to miss).
Basically, it explains why your Calendar is still not working.
Thanks to all, now working. Can be viewed here.
Hey HobStar, do you wanna give this color scheme a try?
Just add the following code to the very end of the code on your calendar:_css page (right before the [[/code]] block, of course!)
Done, looks freak'in awesome! Thanks, the colours contract with my site nicely!
Come and see.
Then that means that the code needs to be prepended, not appended as you have instructed :) Will fix it.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Whoops! Good sighting!
This is simply amazing.
I'm going to try to get the full Clone module and cross-site includes (CSI) working asap so that we don't need to copy code any more. It should be possible to (a) import a package using the Clone module, which creates the pages and does the configuration, and (b) pull in actual page contents using CSI, so that updates are automatic.
That's fantastic!
The only thing though, is that the user needs to append @import url(/local--code/calendar:_css); to their CSS code. I don't think the Clone Module or a CSI could do that… But hey, a two-step process is pretty damn good!
How about a per-page CSS module?
Alas, that would solve all problems :D
It works! Very nice.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Hey, wonderful idea. Can we do this calender thing, so events have "People" too. Then, when cross-site includes come out, we can just do something like:
That way, if I was on, say, and I where to be able to do a cross site include, I could register all events created on that calendar, with just my site.
What do you think?
I don't think that would work — the CSIs would just install the calendar's framework on each site, but the actual events are still stored individually on each site. You can't include all pages from a particular category of a site.
What you're proposing is a great idea, but for it to work you would need a Cross-Site-ListPages module.
You guys did an unbelievable job with this! I followed the install instructions, tweaked the colors to match my site's theme and was up and running in less than 5 minutes. My Calendar Install
I'm sure you're aware of a couple issues I ran into and I'm wondering if you have any hints on a work-around.
It would be really cool if we had a way to detect the current date and then set the include variables based on that. Maybe someday!
Again, this is a one nice piece of work! You should all share a virtual cocktail to celebrate (well, maybe James can have a "Shirley Temple"!)
Community Admin
WOW ED! It looks fantastic on your website, you customised it beautifully!
I can't think of a better method. Let us know if you do!
Oh you poor Americans, having to wait until you're 21! In Australia you can do everything at 18, which means I can have that virtual cocktail.
But being a non-drinker myself, I'll have to accept Shirley Temple anyway ;-)
I was fortunate enough (or unfortunate enough - it depends on your perspective, I guess) to have reached the "age of majority" at 18. We had a period of time back in the 70's when 18 was the legal age and I turned 18 in 1974. It was lowered from 21 to 18 in 1973 - nice timing, eh? It was then raised to 19 around 1977 or so and then back to 21 in the mid-80's. I thought I knew it all back then, but found as I grew older my parents got a lot smarter! ;)
Community Admin
Hi to all!
I have cloned this Calendars wiki to a german version ( the site-name is clear i think) and I have changed all day-names (short and long) and months to german ones…
Question: is it a good idea to insert a notice on the main (engl.) site that there is a german(-de) version too?
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To make the usage simpler I build a category "mini-month"
( example: month-mini:2011-12 showing the current month - used in the nav:side bar too with only one include line:
Also the complete Year is built to be included on any page on any site:
The same was done in the german calendars-de Wiki
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